Thursday, November 9, 2023

November 09, 2023 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:41 to 2:11 and there were four seals on island.
Out on LPB was a Female Weaner: weaner size, older coat with yellowish brown female belly and two red tags.
Down from the 1BS was an Adult Male: adult size, new coat dark male belly and two red tags.
Near each other at SRI were the following:
Juvenile Female: juvenile size, light yellow female belly and two red tags.
Subadult Male: small subadult size, newer coat, light male belly and two red tags.

Team R&B's first find this morning was RQ42 Opihi. He was in the same spot as yesterday. After lots of observing they realized he no longer had a hook and line. He appears to be doing just fine. They called the hotline to update.  Once again there were divers out and
Team R&B warned them to give the seal some space. RQ42 appears to be 95% done with his molt, just one stubborn spot on his butt.

They spotted two seals on shore from afar. There was RH32 Kaale and R3CX Nalu. Team R&B headed over and found Kaale to be about 70% molted.  Nalu is done with his molting just hanging out with his buddy.
As they walked around the area, they spotted another seal off in the distance. They headed over to find R604 alone resting on shore.

Heading over to the outfall they found the boats were out laying net after net, going from jetty to jetty
with plastic floats.  Thankfully a volunteer was on site to see what was going on.  There were two seals in the nets, one was really green and the other large and clean coat.
Team R&B ID'd RL20 Kalua and KG54. So nerve racking!

Their last find of the day was none other than the lovely RH76 Kala. She was alone resting on the rocks.

Rabbit Island
RH32 & R3CX
two seals in th nets

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