Sunday, November 26, 2023

November 26, 2023 Sunday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕  In yesterdays news Tammy sent an update from Saturday.

Tammy, Lesley and Marilyn did the Ka'ena Point trek on Saturday. Initially they found one seal out at the point. It was TA68 and they all thought that would be it due to the big waves.  But they were wrong.
At the end of the day they hit the jackpot, first was RW02 PvKaui.  Down the beach there were another two seals together, R303 BG and her Unknown Male escort. (male possibly from Niihau that Lesley has seen with BG before.)  Lastly down the beach was RL98 Lina.  

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island today and there were four seals during her viewing session.
Between 1BS and 2BS was RG32: adult size, old coat, brown male belly, no tags and scar above his right eye.
About 50 feet of 3BS was a Subadult Female: small subadult size, newish coat, light femal belly and unsure about tags.
Another 50 feet from the S/F was a Weaner Female: weaner size, older coat, light yellow female belly and two red tags.
On the rock flats at SRI was R606: subadult size, light male belly, did not see tags, and possibly NB on RFF. At 12:59 he entered the water in the SRI channel. About 10 minutes later he hauled out near the S/F. They both entered the water and played along the coast for the rest of Marilyn's viewing session.

Team R&B started their day at tracks. They found RL20 Kalua and RN14 Kalani on shore resting. They notified the hotline.  They noticed a seal far to the right, so they went to check it out. It was RH32 Kaale by his rock resting comfortably. They left the area.
Then looking back from afar they saw two women go near Kaale, and there was a dog in the area.  Since the women got too close Kaale took off. Team R&B called and reported the incident to the hotline.
Meanwhile another seal hauled up to the greeny at tracks. It was Nalu R3CX. Once again they notified the hotline.

At another west side location they found one seal. It was R416 on the rocks, fighting the waves that were hitting him.  At first they weren't sure who it was, but once they reviewed their photos they were able
to ID him.

They went back to check on the seals ar tracks. From afar they noticed there were four seals on shore and there were people near the seals.  They hurried over and RH32 Kaale had returned and was with RL20 and RN14.  R3CX Nalu remained alone.

R303 and her escort unknown male
Rabbit Island
RN14 & RL20
women with R3CX and RL20
RH32 - RL20 - RN14

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