Wednesday, November 29, 2023

November 29, 2023 Wednesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to by Team R&B💕  And yes despite the pouring rain they were out there.

They started off at the bay waiting in the car while it was pouring. After an hour they got tired of waiting and went to take a look. There high up was RL20 Kalua.  
They also spotted a pig carcass floating off the rocks.... poor thing.

They made other stops still while it was raining, still no seals and only rain.  The mountains were beautiful and there were waterfalls in the valley.
At one of the sites two dogs came running at them barking. They had to jump the guard rail to keep them away. Dangerous elements all the way around.

Lastly from afar they spotted a dirt bike driving on shore and then noticed a monk seal galumphing toward the water.
They studied the seal but it was too far to make and ID, so it was reported as an Unknown Adult.
Then they scanned the horizon and spotted two whales, but it was a quick sighting.
Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

Unknown Adult

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