Saturday, September 14, 2019

September 13, 2019 Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Lesley (part 2) Ka'ena Update, Team Billand, Tammy of Team T&D, Posse Pal Vicki and Melody (part 3) Yesterday's News department

Day 13 on Friday the 13th Team Billand went to check on RH92 and arrived on site at 4:45 am. It was still dark and hard to see, but they spotted signs up by the Honolulu end.  With the use of a flashlight they looked and there was no one in the area.
Team Billand went to check the area and finally found her RH92 by the chairs! 
Team Billand called the Aloha Team, but they were busy, so Team Billand texted a friend for help, They were able to find some signs and rope.  
Team Billand then spent time with Marice on her last day educating people. Frantic morning in the dark, but this team had it under control. The hotline was called first thing in the morning. Team Billand waited to see if a volunteer would arrive, but seems there was no one available.

Team Billand left KoOlina to check on other west side locations. They found RH36 Kawena snoozing on the rocks. She is looking beautiful, her tags were showing and she was resting peacefully.

Despite searching the south west side for hours hoping they would find Pohaku they came up empty.

Team T&D are still on the Big Island and finally on Day 4 they found a seal ! ( other than the seals at Ke Kai Ola).  They had checked this beach the last 2 days and today when they arrived they found a shiny rock.  There was a seal on black sand beach. RB00!!!! aka BOO. By the trails and wallows it appears she might have been there all night. They stayed with her for about 2 hours and watched as she rested peacefully the entire time.

Posse Pal Vicki spent the day with Squinty, Kaimana, Makoa and Nanea! They had lots of company today people checking them out. Vicki stayed until 3 when the rain came.

 RH92 snoozing by the beach chairs
 Rob and posse pal Marice
 Marice helping do outreach 
 Kawena RH36 

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