Saturday, April 24, 2010

Thank you Tracy

Aloha good people! 
DB mentioned in his dailies that Tracy was no longer carrying the hot line phone.... I am sure she will be plenty busy with other things. I do want to take this opportunity to THANK Tracy for her all she has brought to us the volunteers. I met Tracy two years ago (when I met Chester) and will always remember her sharing information with us, and getting us some fact sheets to learn from and use as hand outs.

Who else can make someone feel good about searching and collecting seal poop?  They call it scat... I call it poop. 

Again thank you Tracy, just want you to know you have been and are still appreciated by us folks on the beaches. ~donna~


Barbara said...

I will miss Tracy Wurth with all my soul. She has taught us alot of stuff with the monk seals. She gives Rob and I advise on how to handle certain situations, she was always there to answer my billions of questions, listen to my horror stories, and my sad ones. When she went away, I missed her alot. Not having her there, is really something I have to deal with some how. SHe is a great person, our mentor, our friend. Oh too bad, she will be missed ALOT!!! Thanks Tracy, for being there for all of us volunteers, as Donna said. This aint gonna be easy...I got to grow up. God bless and good luck with all your work, you are going to be missed, DAM IT!! Hugs.....

Charles said...

Hey All-

I guess as Tracy's boss I should say a couple of things. Tracy is handing over the phone but she is not going anywhere. We are hoping that by handing over the sighting phone it will free up a lot of time for Tracy to develop and run the main Hawaiian Islands population assessment group. So, all your data are still going to go to her and she will still be the caretaker of all monk seal knowledge for the MHI. But, hopefully, she will have more time to do some actual research. Dera Look is currently the new holder of the phone, and she is gonna do a great job.

Also, keep collecting scat!


Donna said...

Thanks Dr. Charles for giving a little more info on the situation. I didn't think Tracy was going anywhere... but it seemed like a good opportunity to acknowledge her and let her know we appreciate her.

AND YES Dera will be great, no doubt!

Tracy said...

Hey guys, I'm still here, just not on the other end of the Sighting Line. As Charles mentioned I'm still involved in all the MHI seal stuff. I'll still be keeping track of all our critters. I may even have more time to keep up with the blog :)

Barbara said...

Ok, I am a happy camper, now that Tracy is still in the Monk Seal world. Yippeeeeeeee!!!!!!

Thanks Doc for the explanation.

And Donna, thanks for DA BLOG!!! Aint Comments fun to read???!!!! is good.