Sunday, March 16, 2025

March 16, 2025 Sunday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:19 to 1:42 pm and there were three seals seen during that time.
They're probably the same three seals that were in the same location down from the 3BS yesterday.
Adult Female: adult size, tan female belly with ventral neck scar and two red tags.
Adult Male: (yesterday he was referred as a Sun-adult male) smaller
adult size, light male belly and two red tags.
Sub-adult Female: smaller sub-adult size, older coat with tannish green female belly and two red tags. Her ventral was sand-cover, but Marilyn is reasonable sure its a female.

Team R&B's first stop was almost a bust. They were onsite for a while and there were no seals. They were ready to leave when they spotted a seal. It was a fat female hauling up who they ID'd as RH76 Kala. They were happy to see her looking so plump and healthy.

When they arrived at Kahe they first spotted Mr. Kai RM31 resting at his spot. To his right was big boy also known as butt head RH32 Kaale.  

They decided to make the drive and check out nimitz. They thought RT62 would be gone by now, but there she was! The little cutie was there on her back, resting peacefully alone.
There were folks out and about and everyone was being respectful.  They met up with a woman name Jackie who is a fan of the seals. They were able to talk story about the seals which is always fun.

Last stop was at the cliffs where they found RL42 Leia hidden in the rocks again Team R&B were a little worried that there was a group of 10 people near by. The Dad held the little ones up in the air so they could see the seal.  Team R&B stayed around for a bit until the group moved away.  Leia was fine, sound asleep hidden in the rocks.

Rabbit Island

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