Thursday, March 13, 2025

March 13, 2025 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 11:54 to 1:55 pm and there were three seals seen during that time.
Initially the Adult Female was some distance away from the two sub-adults, but later she moved closer to them.
The Adult Female: adult size, older coat, tannish brown female belly, and two red tags. Marilyn thinks this is the same A/F seen the past couple of days.
The Unknown Sub-adult: small sub-adult size, light ventral but Marilyn couldn't determine sex and not sure about tags.
Nearby was a Sub-adult Female: sub-adult size, older coat, very green ventral with female belly and two red tags. She is probably the same S/F as yesterday.

Team R&B got an early start and first stopped at pokai. After being there for about 20 minutes they spotted another seal come up foraging in front of rocks. There was the lovely Miss Kala RH76 looking quite plump. 
Their grandson was with them, (another seal searcher in the making) so they showed him Miss Kala, he was excited for a minute but was more interested in the wave action. He's only three.   RH76 never landed.

Checking out the outfall they saw a seal foraging. They didn't have much time to hang out but they determined the seal was an adult with green on its coat.

They made their way to nimitz where once again they spotted RT62
Kaiwa. She was well hidden in the rocks, but they were able to see enough to make an ID. 
To the right on Kermit's Reef was RN14 Kalani alone enjoying his snooze.

Their next stop was at plains where they found R407 Kawika. Seems he moved from nimitz to plains. He was alone and resting peacefully in a zone set by the lifeguards. 

Lastly they went back to the outfall to check if any seals had hauled out. They spotted two seals foraging one with the cc scar was RL08.
The other seal was too hard to make a positive ID, the seal was an adult with tags.

Rabbit Island
U/U and snorkeler

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