Saturday, March 15, 2025

March 15, 2025 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:15 to 2:20 pm and there were three seals seen during that time.
About 30 feet Makapuu of the 3BS near the water were two seals:
Adult Female: adult size, tan female belly, two red tags and scar on lower ventral neck area.
Initially on the waterfront rocks was a Sub-adult Male: sub-adult size, light tan male belly and two red tags. When he moved up later he did seem larger.
At 12:40 Marilyn became aware of a seal hauled up on the rock flats next to SRI. The seal may have been there earlier. This seal is labeled Sun-adult Female. At 1:50 pm, Marilyn saw a seal on the waterline between SRI and the A/F & S/M. The seal then moved to join the other two seal who were now almost directly down from the 3BS. The Sub-adult Female had two red tags and a very sandy ventral. There was some interaction and then they all settled down to snooze.

Team R&B were on the road early morning and made a quick stop before they went to pickup junior sealette. They could see multiple seals foraging like crazy at the outfall area. They took some quick pics and then left.

While out they checked nimitz and today RT62 Kaiwa was on her own. There were three guys fishing to the left, came over within 50 feet of her, but the younger one stopped and they walked out.  Relief, they were being respectful.

They headed over to kahe where they found RL20 Kalua on the rocks. He still has the fishing line coming from the right corner of his mouth. They did not see any hook just the line. He was snoozing, never thrashed about, or cough, nothing to indicate he was uncomfortable. They viewed him for over an hour and a half. They reported to hotline and sent photos.
Along with RL20 at the site were RM31 Kai. He was on upper rocks. Hiding to the right was R416 Makalii. 
They scanned the area looking for anymore seals. They spotted a seal foraging off the outfall. They couldn't make an ID so it was reported as an Unknown Adult.

Final stop before calling it a day was at the cliffs. They saw a seal hidden in the rocks, female laying on her back. There was one tag seen, they were able to ID RL42 Leia.
They were ready to leave and spotted a male seal, and couldn't tell if he had tags, with a clean coat. They needed to leave so they weren't able to make an ID so he was reported as an Unknown Male.

Rabbit Island
multiple seals foraging
unknown adult
Unknown  Adult Male

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