Saturday, July 8, 2023

July 8, 2023 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn, Melody and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit ISland from 11:30 to 1:30 and there were three seals on island today.

In the middle of LPB was the molting RK37 Huia: adult size, two red tags, clean ventral and partially molted dorsal. Still couldn't see her NB. Marilyn guesses her to be about 70% molted.

About 25 feet closer to 1BS on LBP was an Adult Female: adult size, older coat with a tannish gray female belly and possibly two tags.

Behind waterfront rocks near 3BS was an Unknown Juvenile: juvenile size, light yellow belly
(probably male) and two red tags. It later moved up the beach, but Marilyn had to leave before it could give her a fully belly view.

Team R&B spent the first 2 hours searching and coming up empty. Then as they walked away, they spotted a dark seal off in the distance. They then saw LEi Ola RH48 taking her sweet time coming in.
The first seal had a very green face, and green tags on its green flippers. They could not get a good clear shot of the tags but they believe this seal is RL20 Kalua.
He didn't land and went further toward the rest camp site.  Lei Ola showed up with him and she didn't land while they observed at what seemed like forever.  
This is day 3 of not seeing Miss Kala, hopefully she on her way to Rabbit Island.

At another west  side location they found two seals. One was R416 looking quite adorable and healthy. His signature scar was visible, confirming their ID. Team R&B love this little fellow.

The bigger seal on seal inlet, gave them a hard time with an ID. They even walked on the rocks below and they saw its tags. It was a male, there he was RM31 Kai. His old hooking scar was visible.
They had to call it a day.

Meanwhile Melody had got word that Rocky RH58 had hauled out in Waikiki late yesterday. So this morning she was up and out to check on her. As Melody approached the roped off area there was another seal in the water "periscoping" doing a quick scan of the beach. The seal stop for a second then swam out.
Melody was taking photos of Rocky and talking story with folks that had questions. A bit later, what Melody believes to be the same periscoping seal returned lifting its head up and down and sniffing the air. And again it swam away.  At
the other end of the beach from Rocky Rn14 Kalani hauled out. While he was hauling out Rocky headed towards the water.  A few minutes later she was at the waters edge.  
Later in the day, Melody found Kalani was still hanging out by the Natatorium Wall. He seemed restless and kept scanning the water. He was probably looking for females, or a buddy to hang out with.
Melody stayed for a bit longer and then had to head home.

Rabbit Island
RH48 Lei Ola
Boobie Birds
Waikiki Rocky


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