Thursday, July 20, 2023

July 20, 2023 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1 to 3 pm and there were six seals seen on island today.
On the Lanikai side of LPB were two seals:
Adult Female 1: adult size, older coat, two red tgas and about 5% molted. Marilyn believes this to be the same A/F seen in this location for several days.
Adult Male:Adult size, tannish brown male belly and two red tags. He entered the LPB surge channel and entered the water about 2:20 and then hauled out to A/F2 at 2:26 pm. He later returned to AF1.

Closer to 1BS on LPB was Adult Female 2: adult size, older coat and at least one red tag on the LRF. This seal is about 35% molted. She was joined by the A/M for awhile before he returned to A/F1.

Between 1BS and 3BS was a Juvenile Female: juvenile size, tannish gray female belly, and appears there were no tags.

At 1:21 pm Marilyn became aware of a seal doing head bobs near 3BS. A short time later the seal hauled out to a Weaner who was hauling out about 30 feet Lanikai side of 3BS. Marilyn believes this is RK24 aka Bruno/Wawamalu: adult size, tannish male belly and two red tags. She never got a good look at his right side to see his right side bleach.   It was a relief to see one of the Weaners: weaner siz, shape and coloration, light female belly and two red tags.

Team R&B only had one seal today. Since they were in the city for appointments they went to check out the shoreline.  Lo and behold there was RK96 Kaiwi resting peacefully. Seems she is molting, stay tuned for updates.

Rabbit Island
Kaiwi RK96

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