Friday, July 28, 2023

July 28, 2023 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn.

Marilyn viewed Rabiit Island from 12:35 to 2:40 and there were four seals during her observations.
Initially near each other on LPB were the following:
Adult Female 1: adult size, older coat, tannish gray female belly and at least one tag.
Adult Male: adult size, darker coat, tannish gray male belly and two red tags.

Initially in the middle of LPB was Adult Female 2: adult size, newly molted, light ventral, and two red tags.
At some point AF 2 galumphed over to the AF 1 and AM. Then about 2:20 the AM moved into the water in the Makapuu direction and joined the Juvenile female who was near 3BS.
Juvenile Female: larger juvenile size, very green coat, green female belly and two red tags. When the AM joined her about 2:30 she did not seem interested and they were both snoozing when Marilyn left the site.

Marilyn got a text from posse pal Tammy late afternoon that there had been two seals at a beach close by. Marilyn headed over around 4:15 to 4:45 and a SRA was in place with a volunteer on site.
There was one seal when Marilyn arrived and was ID'd as R7AF: juvenile to subadult male with a lighter colored coat, tswo red tags 7AF 7AG. He appears to have a fish hook scar on the left size of his lip.There is an applied N bleach on his right side.


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