Saturday, July 1, 2023

July 1, 2023 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn.

Marilyn  viewed Rabbit Island from 1:35 to 3:05 and there were four seals on island today.
On the rock flats of LPV was one of the weaners: weaner size, shape and coloration, light female belly and two red tags. The weaner moved up to the rocks at the base of the cliff and got into what looked like an uncomfortable position for at least a half hour before moving down and showing her belly again. 

Out on RRB was RK37 Huia: adult size, older coat, tannish yellow female belly, two red tags and a nb on her lower left side. Marilyn though she saw the NB on her yesterday but wasn't sure.

Much later Marilyn realized there was another seal on RRB. It was actually there when she first started viewing but she didn't notice until it moved. She is labeling this an U/U Unknown Unknown. Probably weaner to juvenile size, but not much else to go on.

At 2:23 pm, Marilyn realized that a small seal had hauled out on the rock flats between SRI and RRB. She is labeling this seal a Juvenile Female: juvenile size, old coat with lots of green, dark green female belly and at least two red tags. This might be RQ44 Mahina, but she's not positive. She later moved down behind waterfront rocks where she was barely visible.

Rabbit Island

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