Thursday, July 27, 2023

July 27, 2023 (part 2) Marilyn's Rabbit Island Update

 In Marilyn's own words:   

Hi All,

I viewed Rabbit Island from Makai Pier from about 1:15 to 3:55 pm. It was sunny with frequent passing clouds and moderate winds.

There were ultimately seven seals seen during my viewing session. There was also interaction and relocation of seals that made it confusing.

Initially, on the Lanikai side of LPB was an Unknown Adult (UA) and a Subadult Female (SF). The UA was adult size, unknown sex and at least one red tag.

The SF was subadult size, light female belly and I think two red tags.

At 3:52 pm and adult male (AM) that had visited other seals today arrived and interacted with the UA and then he left.

Between Middle Cliff and 3BS was an Adult Female (AF): adult size, new coat, light female belly and two red tags. I did not see a nb on the left side so I can't say this is RK37. This seal entered the water when there were other seals in the water and the AF relocated to the 1BS side of LPB. Then she was visited by the Adult Male.

Near 3BS were two seals close together:

RQ44 Huia: juvenile size, old coat with lots of green and at least two red tags. I must admit that I'm doubting my ID, because this seal seems larger than a yearling.

Subadult Male (SM): subadult to adult size, darker male belly and two red tags. He entered the water for a while and then returned to RQ44.

At 3:17 pm an Adult Male joined RQ44 and the SM. There was some interaction among the
three seals and then RQ44 headed for the water followed by both males. Thereafter the three seals each went in different directions. RQ44 hauled out a short distance Makapuu of where she had entered the water. The AM headed to LPB where he hauled out first with the AF who had relocated there and then to the UA at LPB.

The SM headed in the Makapuu direction and hauled out near SRI.

At 2:35 pm, I became aware of that a Juvenile Female (JF) hauled out at RRB: juvenile size, lighter female belly, not sure about tags. She seemed to be long and thin.

I'm not sure the best way to organize the photos, so I'm starting with the UA and SF and then their visit from the AM and the AF and her visit from the AM.

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