Tuesday, July 11, 2023

July 11, 2023 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:15 fo 1:35 and there were ultimately seven seals on island today.
Initially there were three seals on LPB:
Adult Female: large adult size, tannish female belly and unsure about tags.
RK37 Huia: adult female, 100% molted with light gray female belly, two red tags and nb on her lower left side.
Subadult Male: subadult size, older coat, brownish yellow male belly and two red tags.

At about 1:25, Weaner RS34 hauled out to join the three seals. She interacted with both RK37 and the
A/F. She then went back in the water and hauled out a short time later. Marilyn believes she spotted her pale nb on her lower right side. 

Where she was yesterday between 1BS & 2BS was a juvenile female: juvenile size, light gray female belly and two tags.

Near SRI was a Subadult Female: subadult size, light tannish gray female belly and two rags.

Out near the RRB channel was Weaner RS12: weaner size, female belly and two red tags.

A hmar kayak with two paddlers check out the area between middle cliff and SRI. Marilyn suspects they were looking for turtle tracks since they paid no attention to the seals.
The masked booby adult and her fledging were seen at the top of the back side of RI crater.

Team R&B had a very slow day. When they arrived to one of the west side locations there was only one seal.  There was the beautiful Miss Lei Ola RH48.

Rabbit Island
Lei Ola RH48

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