Sunday, July 30, 2023

July 30. 2023 Sundays Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:45 to 2:35 and there were three seals seen on island during her observations.

Initially only a Juvenile Female was present near the 3BS. The JF was a larger juvenile to subadult size, older coat, green belly and two red tags. She may have a line scar on her right neck area.

At 1:34, Marilyn became aware of a mostly hidden seal on the 1BS side of LPB. The seal was behind the sand berm and never gave her much of a view. Seal is reported as an Unknown Unidentified:
unknown size, sex or tags.

At 2:00 a Subadult Female hauled out to the JF. The SF was: subadult to small adult size, new coat and very light female belly with two red tags.

Both the SF and JF were perturbed by a round black plastic float with a white rope that moved back and forth on the shoreline for the last 10 days. The SF seemed particularly leary of the float.

Team R&B first spotted RH76 Kala galumphing up on the rocks at the bay. She landed and found her spot to rest.
At the jetty with the fishers was a seal cruising. They believe this to be RL20 Kalua. They waited but he just wouldn't haul out.

At another west side location they found one other seal. There was Mr. Kai RM31 on the rocks. He was alone today basking in the sun.

Rabbit Island
RH76 Kala
RL20 ??
RM31 Kai

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