Friday, August 28, 2020

08/28/2020 Friday Oahu Stay-At-Home Monk Seal Dailies

 Seals seen today on Oahu:

R3CX Nalu resting on waterfront rocks with tags visible. He moved inland due to rising tide.

RL70 Leina was hidden between rocks. Thankfully her tag was visible to get an ID.

RE74 Benny looking green hauls in looking for females. He left went around to the front rocks up and again and goes inland, rested for three minutes. He left again and went around and landed in playboy pond, did some rolling around and sniffing the air. Although RL70 is close by he doesn't see her swims right by and leaves for good.

R3CX Nalu
RL70 Leina
Benny RE74

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