The day began with Buster (RV08) on his D#3 stay at Hanauma Bay. Thankfully, he is over on the left side rock flats, well away for the Hordes that are infesting HB over these Xmas/New Years holiday period. It is Insane there !! It is near grind lock from Hanauma Bay to Sandy Beach everyday.
At 0828 I found Kolohe (RW22)at 3BS, and RM38 at Rocky Right Beach on Rabbit Island.
At 0840 they would be joined by RK36. He began at the left end of the island, but relocated to join RM38 at 1019.
That was the SE quadrant cast for the day.

Mahalos to Gayle & Marilyn for their coverage of the quadrant.
At 0736 the Billands got a call about an animal at White Plains. At 0802 it was confirmed as Benny (RE74). Warren responded and advised that Benny departed at 0930, only to return at 0941.
Dr. Tom sent shots of an animal near McKenzie’s, Turtle Bay. A Diane Gabriel text at 1356 advised that the animal was thought to be Nihoa (R912), and had been reported by Carola at 0941. Carola’s shots would confirm the Nihoa ID.
At 1159 Team Billand found Pohaku (RO28) snoozin’ at Maili Guard Rails.

At 1217 they once again found Kekoa (RK72) & RIP (RR70) at Maili Point.
Mail from The Donna at 1536 brought word of 2 animals on the Mokes today. Rachel’s video shows a probable female with a probable male in hot pursuit, but ID’s can’t be confirmed.
At 1641 Diane T advised that Holokai (RG40) was at the Keiki Pool. He appears to have something on his back. I’ll let Tracy make the call on what it might be.
RM38 and RK36
Rip and kekoa