Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Governor Lingle Visit to Rabbit Island

Aloha Good People!
Today's news based on DB's report and KGMB Governor Lingle accompanied by volunteers and DOCARE (Division of Conservation and Preservation Enforcement) visited Manana Island (Rabbit Island). The good news is the State is listening and taking a look at some of the issues. The Governor spoke about the trash and evidence of boats landing on the island and the concern of improper use of gil-net fishing. There was no mention of our seals but I am sure she got a good look at them.

PLEASE NOTE: These pictures are from the Governor's visit today. Along with DOCARE officers and volunteers they did a clean up and reviewed some of the issues. LANDING A BOAT ON RABBIT ISLAND IS PROHIBITED.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

I hope whatever the outcome of the Gov's visit to R.I. will be in favor of the seals! I hope they pay attention to their problems of those dam gil nets, to the decline of the population, stricter laws on all the violations that occur. It's long over due and it's time to step in and take action NOW! I know DB was the person to help wake these folks up. He sees it all, he feels it all! Lets keep our fingers crossed. Long live the Hawaiian Monk Seal!!!!