Monday, August 18, 2008

DB Post Monday August 18th

Kerby,Hoku,Kolohe,RB08,Sadie,RIP&R301@RI, Yoda@Maili, 8-18-08
It was pretty much "the usual suspects" at RI today. RIP and R301 were there early, and later were joined by first, Kolohe, then RB08, and then Hoku,Sadie and Kerby. There was virtually no interaction until Kerby hauled out . He initially went straight to Sadie, but when she showed no interest, he moved over to Hoku, and those two entered the water and played for over an hour.

Team Billand called from there fishing spot in Maili at 1340 to report that Yoda (R302) had hauled out near them at 1315. It's always easier when they come to you !
Kolohe, RIP and RB08
Sadie, Kerby and Hoku

Sadie, Kerby and Hoku

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