Friday, December 27, 2024

December 27, 2024 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B, Diane and yours truly. 💕

Diane and I went to the pier to check out Rabbit Island.  Our initial scan of the the island was a bust, no seals. Although it was sunny there was a glare over the island. Then a few minutes later at about 12:15 pm we spotted the first seal at LPB. Initially out view was its butt which didn't give us anything to work with. 
Then at 12:22 we spotted another seal had hauled up on shore between the 1BS and 2BS.

Seal 1, I believe was a male with no tags, but its hard to be sure. I would guess it to be adult size. So for
the purposes of the blog I am labeling it as an Unknown Adult Male.
Seal 2, never really showed us anything but its back side. The seal had at least one tag and was chubby. There was nothing for us to compare its size to, so I am labeling this seal as an Unknown Unknown.

Team R&B has another slow day today, but it was probably due to the high surf on the west side.  They found just one seal at cliffs. It was RM31 Kai who had hauled way up inland. He was looking quite comfortable and resting peacefully.  
While out and about they saw their friend with his dog. Now this dog  is so big they could put a saddle on him.

The waves were pounding again. There was a family down by the shoreline who almost got in trouble. Tourist just don't understand the power of the big surf even when your on shore.
There were a couple of surfers braving the big waves and getting wiped out.

unknown adult male
unknown unknown
friend's big puppy

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