Monday, March 25, 2024

March 25, 2024 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:22 to 2:24 and once again there was only one seal seen during that time.
Between 3BS and SRI was a Juvenile Female: juvenile size, older coat, light brownish yellow female belly and at least two red tags.
The birds were also doing a lot of flying many of the birds are juvenile Sooty Terns who are darker than their parent. There were also adult sooty terns, red-tailed tropic birds and at least one masked booby.

Team R&B spotted a seal at 6:47 am and ID'd R406. They were on their way to a meeting so they sent a
text to the hotline and headed out.
They returned after their meeting and R406 was still on shore resting. They contacted the hotline and did their best to keep people at a distance. They made a make-shift stick zone and waited.

They got to the Kahe area and saw four seals in the water fighting. They were able to ID a couple of them. One was RL08 and the other was RM30 Kai.
They spotted another two seals at tracks, so they made their way over.  There was Kaale RH32 on shore and RL20 Kalua was hauling in.
Then they saw that three more seals, they had landed at electric beach. Seems RL08 and RM31 had hauled out along with  R3CX Nalu.
They noted there were people walking their dogs on a leash close to RL20 Kalua.
When they checked out Kahe Point they found RG32 resting alone on the rocks.
At another west side location they found one seal. It was R617, he was alone up on the high rocks.
Last but not least was RL70 Leina. She was resting on the rocks. In their opinion she doesn't look hapai,  maybe she skipping a year.

I want to wish Barbara a very Happy Happy Birthday!  From the bottom of my heart, I want you to know how much you are appreciated.  I am thrilled you got to celebrate doing what you love best. 
Rabbit Island
R3CX and RM31
folks walking by RL20

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