Wednesday, March 20, 2024

March 20, 2024 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 11:28 to 1:43 and there were four seals seen during that time.
At LPB was a Sub-adult Female near where she was yesterday: sub-adult size, light gray female belly and two red tags.
There were two seals about 35 feet apart between 3BS and SRI:
Juvenile Female: juvenile size, light tannish yellow female belly and two red tags.
A short distance away was an Adult Female: adult size, older coat, brownish yellow belly and two red tags. Marilyn thinks she is probably pregnant but not ready to give birth soon.
At 12:26 a seal hauled out between 1BS and 2BS. She thinks this is RQ44 Mahina because Marilyn saw three tags, two on the LRF and one on the RRF. Juvenile size, light female belly and three tags.  She seems small for an almost two year old. She's been hanging out at various spots along the south shore.

Team R&B started out by spotting a seal high up on shore at electric beach. They hurried over when a man came by and took photos of the resting seal. They were able to ID R604, who became aware of the guy taking photos. Then a couple came also taking photos. Team R&B put up a "stick zone" and the couple walked away.  They could see her injury to RFF seems to have healed just fine.
They called the hotline and waited for a volunteer to arrive. But after what seemed like forever they headed out. 

Arriving at Kahe they found RG28 Lefty. He was alone and resting. 
Then they were treated to a surprise when RK72 Kekoa arrived. They noted Kekoa had a bloody right fore flipper. They couldn't determine what had caused the bleeding.

At another west side location they found two seals on the rocks. They knew one of them was RM31 Kai, but the other male they weren't sure.  They did not see tags, has a dark lower lip and two small scars on his head which would suggest it is RG32.
BUT they also saw two small cc scars on right side, a facial scar on right cheek and two dark spots on chest area, this would suggest R617.  They could not make a positive ID.
While on site they spotted another seal coming into the seal inlet area. The seal tried to haul out but the waves kept rolling the critter about.  The seal had cc scars on its back area, adult size and although there wasn't enough for a positive ID they believe this seal to be RL08.

Lastly they saw an adult male on shore from afar. The beach was crowded and lots of surfers in the area. The seal was on shore getting  hit by they waves, and had red tags, they determined it was Nalu R3CX.

Rabbit Island
RG28 & RK72
RM31 & adult male  
unknown male RG32 or R604 ??

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