Friday, January 31, 2025

January 31, 2025 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕

The storm has passed and it seems the seals were out on the shores to get some rest today. 
Team R&B arrived at their first stop and saw a seal high up by the grassy area. They studied the critter for quite awhile, and after an hour they saw the tag 3CU. They also noted the cc scar and bleach mark on lower area.  He had been snoozing and then started moving around as the dogs in the area kept barking. Team R&B chased the dogs away about five times. Honestly the seals just can't catch a break.

They were onsite for about 2 hours with R3CU when they saw another seal coming in. It was RH76 Kala, which caught R3CU's attention. He went from 0 to 60 in seconds heading for her. She barked at him, he settled and then he left. RH76 stayed and remained alone.

Next they spotted a seal from afar at another beach. The seal was high up on shore by the homeless camp. The seal was R3CX Nalu, who was alone resting on shore.

They made their way over to tracks twice. Early in the day they saw RH32 Kaale high up on shore snoozing. They didn't stay long and went to check other areas.
They returned later in the day and was upset to see RH32 Kaale was still there but surrounded by people. 

Team R&B headed over to another location and found RL12 Aukai resting in a zone that had been set up for her. They waited around for a bit hoping another seal would come, but none did so they left.

They headed back to check on RH76. She was still there but now in the company of a male. It took them about an hour when they saw what they needed. It was R617, no tags, male, scar on right flipper. Kala was sleeping soundly.

Still on site they spotted a smaller seal alone on the rocks. The glaring sun made it difficult to ID, but luck was on their side and they saw the
tag 29.... they were confused because this seal was too small to be G28.  Then they realized it was 3 year old RP28 Wakea, this is his first visit to the area. For sure this made their day! They haven't seen him since all the big surf started, its good to have him back.

RH76 & R3CU
R617 & RL12

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