Thursday, January 9, 2025

January 9, 2025 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:25 to 2:10 pm and there were four seals seen during that time.
Initially when she arrived there were two seals.
Between 1BS and 2BS was a Sub-adult Male 1: sub-adult size, light ventral, male and no tags seen. This may be the sub-adult male that NOAA team saw yesterday. Marilyn could not make out anything the looked like an applied bleach but then again the seal was mostly
covered with sand.
About 60 feet Makapuu of 3BS was a Sub-Adult Male 2: sub-adult size, tannish male belly and two red tags. There may be a scar near the left mid-dorsal. 
At 12:38 pm, Marilyn realized two additional seals had joined S/M 2:
Juvenile Female: juvenile size, newer coat, light gray female belly and two red tags. 
RK24 Bruno: adult size, gray male belly, two red tags and scar on right rear side.
There was interaction between the three seals, until RK24 entered the water, where he lounged in the tide pool for some time.  She isn't sure when he left, but thinks he is the seal that hauled out at the 1BS at 1:29 pm.

Team R&B was out at sun up and it was beautiful (I'm not kidding when I say they are out there from sun up to sun down.)
Their first find of the day at Pokai was RH76 Kala. She was alone up on shore by her "zen" garden. 

Next find was at Makaha where they found the lovely RL42 Leia.  She was alone peacefully resting onshore.  While on site they watched the surfers taking advantage of the huge surf.

Heading over to yoks they watched the whales. They spotted the Mom and calf again and they were joined by a 3rd and then a 4th whale. Team R&B shared their binoculars with a visitor from Florida who was super excited to see the whales.
From afar they saw that an area at Makua was closed off due to a film crew.  They spotted an adult seal on shore, but they couldn't make an ID. They determined it had red tags and it was an adult.

Team R&B went back to Pokai to check and found that RH76 Kala was still alone at her spot.
They also spotted four tour boats and a pod of whales that they had seen at yoks.

Last find of the day was at Electric beach. They just happened to notice a seal in the corner close to the jetty. They tried to get photos without drawing attention to the seal, since there were people around. The seal was ID'd asa R3CX Nalu who is fully molted.

Rabbit Island
Sunrise on the west side
Unknown Adult

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