Friday, January 3, 2025

January 3, 2025 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕

Their first find at pokai was a very large seal way up by the grass. Initially they thought it was going to be RL70, but when they moved around to get another view they realized it was not her.
It was in fact RH48 Lei Ola. She was leaving and they saw her tag. Let's just say she is looking quite big.

They searched all day, spotting whales and dolphins but not a lot of
luck with the seals.
They headed back to pokai and found two seals foraging off the rocks. They determined one of the seals was RH48 Lei Ola, with her green snout and one tag.  The other seal, they just aren't sure. They figure the seal to be a sub-adult female with tags, but couldn't read the tags. Both seals disappeared. 

RH48 foraging
Unknown Sub-adult Female
Whale - dolphin - and beautiful little bird

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