Monday, January 6, 2025

January 6, 2025 Monday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:20 to 2:46 pm and there were three seals seen during that time.
On the waterline straight down from the 1BS was an Unknown Adult: adult size, newer coat, not ssure about sex or tags because the critter never changed position.
Between 3BS and SRI was RK24 Bruno: adult size, gray male belly, two red tags and scar on right rear side.
At SRI, mostly hidden behind the water front rocks was a Juvenile Male: larger juvenile size, older coat, light tannish-golden male belly, unsure about tags.
There were two pairs of Masked Boobies not too far apart on the crater rim.

Team R&B spent time driving around checking out all the usual spots not finding any seals, In face they weren't see much of anything, no dolphins or turtles. Then finally passing one area they noticed a flipper flex and went to check it out.  There was RW02 PvKauai alone resting on shore.  It appears he was there for a long time, as his wallow was up by the grassy area.

They spotted a seal onshore at Tracks. It was a male with a clean coat sleeping and alone. Then the humans came !!!  The male seal Kaale RH32 had to deal with the people approaching to get their photos and selfies. Very frustrating to see the happen over and over again.

Team R&B went over to white plains where they found the lovely Miss Aukai RL12. She was alone in a nice big zone enjoying the Hawaiian sun. The lifeguards there are wonderful when it comes to looking out for the seals.

Rabbit Island

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