Friday, February 29, 2008

DB Post Friday February 29th

Irma@ Sandy Beach, Kermit @ White Plains & Buster & RIP at Spitting Cave,, 2-29-08

The Rabbit Island crew was down to two today, Sadie and Temp 403. I found Irma waiting for me this morning atd 0630 on the main beach at Sandy Beach, fronting the Pipe Littles break. She has remained there all day. I just left her, and will return at dusk and await her departure. When she popped up at Diamond Head on Wednesday, I knew the other shoe would drop, and it did. How longs she decides to remain on this side, only Irma knows.

I spent time this morning with Buster, who was feeding at Spitting Cave. To my surprise, when I checked my usual sites (Monk Seal CIA), I found video from one of the dive tour groups from today at Spitting Cave. Lo and Behold RIP showed up after I left. It's difficult to see but if you look closely,(and often enough) you'll get a glimpse of RIP's dorsal transmitter scar (a black spot on his back) , while they are playing.

The Billands were worth their weight in manapua again today. They confirmed Kermit at White Plains. Aloha, DB

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