Sunday, February 18, 2024

February 18, 2024 Sunday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:02 to 1:24 and there were two seals seen during that time.
When Marilyn first arrived she only found one seal that was between 3BS and SRI. It was a large adult male with a dark gray male belly and no tags. Marilyn ID'd him as RN04 when he rolled over and his applied N$ bleach was visible. RN04 is Sadie's first pup born in 2013. Marilyn suspects he's one of the unknown adult males that has been reported over the years.  Thank you NOAA for the applied bleach that allows him to be identified.
About 12:50 Marilyn became aware of a seal behind the waterfront rocks of LPB. She is reporting the
seal as an Unknown/Unknown; sub-adult to adult size, lighter ventral unsure of its sex or tags.

Team R&B started off at the bay and on their first visit they came up empty. They left the area after visiting some visitors.  
After leaving the area they got a text that a fat seal had hauled up.  They turned around and went back. When they got there they found the lovely, fat bumbucha, RH76 Kala.

After much searching they gave up looking for seals, they must be cruising different parts of the island.
All wasn't lost as Team R&B were entertained by the whales and the surfers hitting the big surf.
The whales showed up but it was a challenge to take photos, so they moved further down. Then a guy approached them, saying " auntie, ger one seal lion over there, see um??"  Sure enough by the rock there was a seal that just came in.
They had been out there for two hours and never saw him, thanks to the bruddah who pointed him out.
There was an adult male, no tags seen. He had a cc scar under belly, which suggest it might be N14, but they couldn't be sure.  A couple of boys came walking by and the seal left.

Rabbit Island
Unknown Adult Male
and a couple of dolphins

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