Friday, August 31, 2018


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8/3182018 Monk Seal Dailies: (part1) Rabbit Island Critters (RH36, RiKT, RG32, RK38) RK88, RH32, RE74, RL42

Today's dailies are brought to you by Lesley, Team Billand, Posse Pal Vicki and my Rabbit Island observations. Lesley's Ka'ena Update is part two of the dailies.

I got word yesterday from Marilyn that a NOAA Team was heading over to Rabbit Island this morning to "tag PO6".  I borrowed the scope and was at the pier this morning to make sure there were critters actually there. 
Good news there were four critters on Rabbit Island, (one that might be a weaner).  Team NOAA headed out on their jetski, and checked the critters. I received notification that R1KT/T37,  RK38 Hali'a (Aukai's little girl), RG32, and Kawena RH36.  Getting word/confirmation Kawena was there, was fantastic news. She hasn't been seen around in a while.  R1KT was bleached with N3, and Kawena was given N6. My photos are so-so but it was nice to see some critters out there. 

As I side note while I was waiting for NOAA to arrive, I witnessed two of the seals on shore, the larger seal (RG32) kept nudging a smaller female with a new coat (Kawena). He actually galumphed over her then into the water. She followed and they spent about 20 minutes at "play" . I couldn't photograph but to watch through the scope, the splashing and tails in the air was a delight. I was concerned they would disappear, but they did haul out in enough time for NOAA to arrive. 

Posse Pal Vicki had one of those days where she needed some "me" time. So she headed out and ended up at birth beach. It's been a while since she's been out looking for critters, but today she was rewarded by finding RK88 Puna. What a wonderful way to spend some "me" time.

Team Billand was at the outfall early morning and spotted some netters out there today. Cianna & Laura from NOAA were onsite and had also noticed them as well as a couple of the fishermen. 
Ka'ale RH32 first arrived at the outfall about 30 minutes after they arrived. Next seal to come in was RE74 Benny! 
He met up with Ka'ale in the outfall and the two had a little battle. Seems's the boys were creating quite a disturbance, and not interested in eating. They both left the area, heading towards Nanakuli way. Team Billand headed out to check other sites.

On their way to Ka'ena West they made a stop at one of west side beaches where they found Miss RL43 Leia on the rocks and sleeping alone. She is looking much better today, she must of found a good spot to chow down. LOL Barbara said maybe she went to
Ka'ale's Kitchen LOL.  

Team Billand found no critters on their Ka'ena West trek. But they did make a stop at a nearby beach early afternoon. They found Benny RE74 resting and alone.  He was very well hiddenm but they did get a read of his tags. The only hope was that Ka'ale would be in the area, but no such luck, it was only da Benny.

Tracy applying bleach to 1KT N3
 Kawena RH36 grey coat - RG32 (to the right) 
 small dark bump in center is RK28 Hali'a 
 Puna RK88
Ka'ale & Benny
 Benny looking really green
da Benny hauled out
RL42 Leia

8/3182018 Monk Seal Dailies: (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

Before heading into the gated area I went down to take a look at the beach in front it was seal free.
I then headed to CE, there, were "BG" and her escort were all day yesterday, was RG40 "Holokai" freshly hauled out. There were several wallows of possibly overnighted seals with trails to the waterline.

Down at Birth Beach /Tables RK88 Puna was hauled out beside rocks his size and color. I checked on him 3 times and he was always in the same spot in slightly different positions. I watched the sunset from there.

In the NARS, RK36 "Kauai Kolohe" fooled me for I while in BG's Pool. I thought it was RO40 "Ka'ena" since he was the seal in that pool yesterday. Turns out I sat to take sand out of my shoes and saw him swimming around... ops that's a full tag !?!?!  Got camera out again and took more pics - yup definitively RK36 "KKolohe". He sawm from one pool to the other and ended leaving heading out to sea.

At the point all was quiet, I sat for a while then decided to head back. In Nihoa's Pool a seal was hauled out on reefs in a very uncomfortable position to look at. I took a couple of pics thinking KKolohe had come back... wrong !!! those scars on the neck...that's not him.  Them I recognized RW02 "PVKauai".

The boys have decided to start using more frequently Nihoa & BG's Pools. It's a good place and more water to move around.
RO40 "Ka'ena" and RK36 "Kauai Kolohe" have been playing tricks on us lately. They have very similar markings, chipped tag, size and to add to that behavior also.
Yesterday "KKolohe" was on the West side and "Ka'ena" was in the pool. Today "KKolohe" was in the pool! Both enjoying doing the cruising all along the point looking for friends or just doing the hippos in the pools. They keep us on our toes.

When I made it back to Hidden Beach, RK36 "Kauai Kolohe" was freshly hauled out in the corner of the beach. More tomorrow 🌺

 LOVE the hind flippers!

Thursday, August 30, 2018

8/30/2018 Monk Seal Dailies: RH32, RR70, RL42, R4DJ

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand and Lesley (which includes Team T&D). Lesley's very complete Ka'ena upate is part two of the dailies. 

Team Billand got to the Outfall this morning and there was a Team from NOAA there as well. They spotted three seals, one of them was for sure Ka'ale RH32, initially unclear who the other two were. Ka'ale was fighting with the other two seals. Ka'ale stayed in the outfall foraging at his all you can eat buffet, despite the large number of fishermen there. 
Team Billand went to check a nearby haul out spot and that is where they spotted a seal coming in. They ID'd RIP RR70, he was in cruise mode, came up to the rocks, looking around, then made a turn and disappeared for the day. They were never able to ID the third seal. 
Later in the day they returned for a third time, and Ka'ale had finally hauled out in a nearby beach on the rocks. There were two divers just over the rocks, but nothing disturbed Ka'ale in his fish comma.
To quote Barbara; " Ka'ale RH32 is one fat bumbucha of a seal" . 

Team Billand made the Ka'ena West trek late morning. They went looking for the U/U they saw yesterday when they came upon a large male at the 20, sleeping in a small water hole. Initially they thought RO40 ?, but they didn't see his usual markers.  They spotted a partial tag with the #4, turns out it's R4DJ Kauai Kolohe. It's been quite some time since they spotted him. They could see his half cookie scar on his chest. 

A little further in they saw RL42 Leia in the same spot as yesterday. She might have stayed over night. Hard to see her but they were able to see both tags. Again today the photos showing she is looking thin, with her ribs showing.  Given she gave birth, recently molted it isn't unusual for a female to be thin, but I am sure we will feel a lot better when she gets a good couple of meals in her belly.

Ka'ale RH32 
One Fat Bumbucha of A Seal! 
  RIP RR70
4DJ Kauai Kolohe 
  RL42 Leia