Friday, January 3, 2025

January 3, 2025 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕

Their first find at pokai was a very large seal way up by the grass. Initially they thought it was going to be RL70, but when they moved around to get another view they realized it was not her.
It was in fact RH48 Lei Ola. She was leaving and they saw her tag. Let's just say she is looking quite big.

They searched all day, spotting whales and dolphins but not a lot of
luck with the seals.
They headed back to pokai and found two seals foraging off the rocks. They determined one of the seals was RH48 Lei Ola, with her green snout and one tag.  The other seal, they just aren't sure. They figure the seal to be a sub-adult female with tags, but couldn't read the tags. Both seals disappeared. 

RH48 foraging
Unknown Sub-adult Female
Whale - dolphin - and beautiful little bird

Thursday, January 2, 2025

January 2, 2025 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕

As usual they were out and about checking for seals. Their first find today were the whales. One was just behind the dolphin boat.  They saw the mom and calf again.

Continuing on they still didn't find any seals. They spent time watching the guys playing in the big surf, lots of yelling and fun being had.  

They kept going, looking and hoping, then from afar they thought they saw a cop at one of the beaches.
So they drove over and found OLE Officer and they asked if there was a seal. He pointed to the water.
They hurried over to find a fat female, with a scar on right flipper, some scars on her side and back. Then they saw a cc scar on right flipper.  They weren't sure but consulted with the posse and it was confirmed RL98 Lina.
She left the area with the waves at 5:20 pm. The crowds ran down to see her go, and RL98 turned to face them all as if to say Aloha All and then took off.  

fun in the surf'

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

January 1, 2025 Wednesday's Dailies

Happy New Year Everyone!  Let's hope this year brings us all health and happiness!
Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B, Diane and yours truly.

Team R&B didn't have a lot of seals today, but there were a lot of people, too many!
Their first seal find of the day was at yoks. The seal was RW02 Pv Kauai on shore, but he wasn't alone. He was right where all the folks go to boogie board and surf all the time.  Team R&B stood by and watched. 
The tourist arrived and they went down to the seal to photograph the seal up close. One guy was barking at the seal and tried to get closer.  Finally Team R&B saw a DLNR officer pass by, so they waited until he came back to get his attention. They let him know what was going on, so he parked and went over to get people back away from the seal.
There was one guy laying next to the seal, which Team R&B thought he was making fun, but checking their photos they noticed he was injured. Finally his friends saw him and saw he was hurt and hopefully got him the help he needed.

Then over at tracks there were more people who went up to a seal that was sleeping on shore.  Team R&B could only determine it was an adult male with a clean coat. They reported it as an unknown adult male.  
It is extremely difficult and frustrating to see so many people getting so close to the seal when all it is trying to do is get some rest.

Lastly they spotted boats in the waters and as they watched they could see dolphins and a whale. They think there was a mom with a calf. All the boats left, except one who followed the whales.

Diane and I viewed Rabbit Island from 12:00 to 1:30 pm and there were two seals seen during that
The two seals were laying next to each other on the rocks down from the 3BS. The seal on the right appears to be an adult with markings on its belly. We weren't sure of its gender, if I had to guess I would say it was a male, but we just have to go with Unknown Adult.
The seal on the left looked smaller and didn't have any noticeable markings. Neither seal moved much an occasional lift of its head or flipper.  

Unknown Adult Male
Rabbit Island