Thursday, August 17, 2023

August 17, 2023 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 1:20 to 2:45 and there were only two seals seen during her observation.
Initially just down from the 1BS were the two seals:
Subadult Female: adult to subadult size, older coat, tannish gold female belly and two red tags.
RP24 Mohala: juvenile size, new coat light gray female belly, two red tags and nb on the top of er LFF.

At 2:12 Marilyn realized both seals had entered the water. She
witnessed them playing for several minutes in the water near 1BS and then she lost track of them. At 2:29 she found the two hauled out between Middle Cliff and 3BS.  They tousled a bit and then RP24 entered the water alone at 2:35 and swam back down to the 1BS area and hauled out alone at 2:39.  The SF stayed at the same spot between middle cliff and 3BS.

Team R&B went to check on the girls today and there was only one seal there today. There was the lovely chubby Miss Kala RH76.  It looks like she finally began her molt seen on her chest area and her face.!

They only had one other seal. They spotted a seal from a far and made their way out to check. There they found R406 a female with lots of scars. They were surprised to find her since its been quite some time since they had seen her.

Rabbit Island
Kala RH76

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