Thursday, May 18, 2023

May 18, 2023 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B ๐Ÿ’•

Team R&B were feeling  a little under the weather (no pun intended) So they got a REALLY late start.
By 1:30 they went out for a bit and found RM31 Kai in the company of some dude taking photos. Kai was not happy with how close the guy was. The dude spotted Team R&B taking photos and left walking by them.
Of course this is upsetting and not feeling well they did not say anything. The dude mentioned there is one more big one.  Team R&B went looking and found RH76 Kala inland hiding by the rocks. 
Out at sea they could see lots of boobies going nuts fishing, diving and gulping.
One it started raining they called it a day.

Marilyn viewed Rabbit ISland from 1:40 to 2:30 and there were three seals on island today.
So what she feared would happen, happened today. Both weaners were on LPB, there was no interaction during her observation.
On the back of LPB next to the cliffs was who she thinks was weaner PO3, by large weaner size. PO3 did react to an intruder on island today.
Initially partly hidden in the middle of LPB was who Marilyn thinks was weaner PO4. She was in a slight shallow which made it hard to see, but she did see her female belly. She moved out to where she was visible before entering the water at 2:25.
There was a Subadult Female up near the morning glory near SRI. Subadult size, old coat, brownish yellow female belly and two red tags.

RM31 with dude a little too close
RH76 Kala
Boobies fishing
Rabbit Island

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