Wednesday, September 12, 2018

9/12/2018 Monk Seal Dailies: (part 2 ) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

I sneaked down to the beach this morning between gusts of wind and did the whole circle Camp Erdman Pt to Parking Lot.

R330 "Squinty" on D5m ~15 to 20. He was right in front of our place, in the same spot I saw him last night after the sunset check.
I went down again this afternoon and he was still there.

I braved a little further and did the full circle again. To my great relief little RK40 "Napua" was down on Birth Beach sleeping peacefully. So good to set eyes on her after being MIA for 11 days.

Weather outside has been going from very dark windy, cloudy and rainy (showers) to nearly opening up for bright light, than dark again.
Found a cool lighter on the beach for my sea debris lighters collection

Hope you're all well and dry. More tomorrow🌺

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