Tuesday, May 7, 2024

May 7, 2024 Tuesday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 11:55 to 1:50 and there were five seals seen during that time.
On LPB was a Sub-adult Female: smaller sub-adult size, light gray female belly and two red tags.
RF34 Pua and PO3 were almost directly down from the 3BS near the waterline. The pup was initially nursing when she arrived. The pup's belly is beginning to lighten up and Marilyn thinks PO3 is a male, but will wait a couple more days to say for sure. At about 12:45 pm, PO3 headed toward the water and Mom followed. They swam up and down the coast for about 50 minutes
and then hauled out again about 1:35 pm.
Initially out on the rock flats next to SRI was an Adult Female: adult size, light female belly and two red tags. At about 12:15 with the rising tide, the AF moved up the rock flats and hauled out onto the beach where she snoozed during the rest of Marilyn's observations. The AF is neither RH76 or RL12 who are expected to arrive sometime this month.
At 1:07 pm while Pua and PO3 were swimming up and down the shore, a Juvenile Female hauled out on shore between where Mom and Pup started. The JF was a juvenile size, two red tags and a tannish female belly with some green.

Team R&B started their day at Kahe where they spotted two seals. When they arrived there were some homeless folks yelling and Team R&B were able to talk with them to quiet down. They wanted to get an ID before the seals were run off.  They ID'd the female as KG89/G54 and male RG32, they got G89 tag and saw RG32's scar over his eye.  The guy kept yelling and the seals were very alert and moving around. KG89 went closer to the rocks to hide from RG32 and he galumphed down to the shallows and kept an eye on her.

Since it was a slow day they decide to hike out to Ka'ena West. They wasn't having any luck until they spotted a seal in the water. The seal was a ways out and all they could determine was an adult seal with some green. That was all they got before the seal kept swimming in a westerly direction.

Rabbit Island
KG89 & RG32
Unknown Adult

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