Sunday, September 3, 2023

September 3, 2023 Sunday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12 noon to 2:25 pm and there were four seals during her viewing session.
Initially near each other on LPB were two seals:
Adult Female 1: adult size, newer coat, light gray female belly and two red tags.
Adult Female 2: adult to subadult size, older coat, yellowish tan female belly, unsure about tags.

At 12:26 Marilyn became aware of a seal hauling out between 3BS and SRI. An Unknown Adult: adult to subadult size, older coat, dark belly and two red tags. The UA was definitely looking for other seals.
At 12:30 she noticed a seal draped along water front rocks near RRB. She believes this is RK37 Hula. Smaller adult size, new coat, two red tags, female belly and a nb on her lower left side.

Team R&B started at the bay and sure enough RH76 Kala was there in her usual spot.  She is looking fat and fine, but one does wonder why she hanging out in this spot for so long. Maybe its a peaceful place for her. 
They did a recheck later in the day and she was still there.

At another west side location was R416 who was well hidden in the rocks today.
Then RL20 Kalua came in and hauled out upland due to the surf. Upon looking they spotted a small hook in his neck on the right side.

They stopped at the cliffs and found RM31 Kai. He was alone on the rocks.

Once again the made the Ka'ena West Trek.  They saw a woman and her daughter run over to the right and there was RS20 (Luana's Pup) trying to get away from them, she was scrambling about and took off into a crevice in the rocks.  Once the they became aware of Team R&B's presence they left.
They did check on RS20 a second time and she had come out of hiding.

They kept going and found two seals together on the rocks. They ID'd RP30 Puka, who looks to be

20% molted.  The other critter took a little longer to ID. It wasn't until they got home going through photo they realized it was RH32 Kaale.

Lastly on the walk back they found another seal had hauled up on the edge of the rocks. It was a large male no tags who they ID'd as RG32.  Thankfully all the humans were away from the area.

Rabbit Island

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