Friday, September 8, 2023

September 08, 2023 Friday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn, Tammy and Team R&B💕

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 12:15 to 1:50 and there were a total of three seals on island.
Near each other between 3BS and SRI were two seals:
Subadult Female: subadult size, new coat, light gray female belly, two red tags and line scar on her right mid chest area.
Near the SF was a Juvenile Male: large juvenile size, older coat with a fair amount of green, two red tags and a tan male belly. She thought she saw a N2 bleach but the photos are not convincing. IF there is a N2 applied bleach then this seal is R7AF.

About 12:30 Marilyn became aware of aseal hauling out in the middle of LPB. This is the molting Adult Female: adult to subadult size, light medium gray female belly and about 70% molted. If this seal has tags they appear to be gray. She kept moving most of the session, it looked like she was trying to shed her old fur.

Tammy hiked Ka'ena today solo. It was a slow seal day for her, checking Lyman's to the point and back there was only one seal. RW02 PvKauai was the lone seal that prevented her from being skunked.

Team R&B went looking at the bay for Kala RH76. They were disappointed to see she wasn't there, which is sad since she has been there to start their day for the last couple of months. They left the site and headed off to their next stop at another west side location.

Well lo and behold there was Kala RH76 laying on the rocks looking beautiful and fat. Her coat is so new and clean. She didn't leave them she just changed her location.
To Kala's right was another female seal with scars all over her body.
CC on her right rump, CC on her back and on her sides and head, even under belly with no tags. They weren't sure who she was so they checked with the posse. Well finally this evening they discovered the female is R604.

They returned to this location after coming up empty elsewhere. When they returned they spotted an adult green seal was in the company of R604. They determined this seal was R3CX Nalu.  

Rabbit Island

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