Friday, September 3, 2021

09/03/2021 Friday (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update

It was a "Happy WindsDay" kind of day.

Early the park was full of fisherman before noon there was only a handful left. All I spoke to said it was way too windy to fish and even to hang around.
That didn't bother our dear Hawaiian Monk Seals
RN58 Luana was on a nice sandy beach. On my afternoon check she had relocated, but was still on a sandy beach
RL98 Lina overnighted and spent the day braving the sand slashing her. Her molt is ~45%
RW02 PVKauai was swimming around the point, he settled in a pool and 10 minutes
later RO40 Ka'ena showed up. They had loud words. They both have healing wounds on their muzzles. I was pleased that they didn't "go for each other". PVKauai's wound was very red before Ka'ena arrived. They both went to deeper waters. PVKauai left, I didn't see him again. I short while after I left, I spotted Ka'ena passing the Runway and heading to his pools. 3 fishermen were on the reefs of Ka'ena's Pool, I whistled to them, pointed to the seal and they moved back fast. He came up to the entrance and turned away. We had a good laugh.
Next I was documenting RL74 Kami when Ka'ena showed up. She didn't think twice and started "escalating" boulders to get away. They both settled and went to sleep.
More tomorrow - please be safe out there ğŸŒºğŸ˜·

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