Todays dailies are brought to you by Tammy and Team R&B💕
Tammy hiked out to the point solo and met up with Lesley later in the day. Tammy's first find was RL47 Kamakana. After while another swam in and hauled out near RL74, it was a female R418 Kamea.
Tammy also checked in on the Albatross chicks, who are growing fast.
While out at the point a couple told her that there were two seals near the point on the west side. So of course Tammy went to check it out. When she arrived she ID'd RL74 Kami and male R617 Kimo.
Team R&B thought they were going to have a day without any seals, after checking several locations. They headed over to Kahe looking for whales but there were none today, some dolphins were out and that's when they heard a familiar sound. The noise was coming from the water and there were two seals playing. Kekoa Alii RK72 with all his equipment and RG28 Lefty were in the water grumbling with each other.
They headed to the rocks, RG28 hurried over to his spot which Kekoa wanted. RG28 held his spot and Kekoa came in cautiously. He was vocal wanting to go further up, but RG28 wasn't having it and Kekoa stayed back.
The two seals were very aware and nervous when one of the homeless folks was pounding metal making lots of noise. Team R&B thought the seals would leave, but they stayed.
After leaving the site they got word from a friend that another seal had arrived with Lefty and Kekoa.
Team R&B hurried back to find RL20 Kalua, who they haven't seen in a bit. His tags were visible and looks like he may have a few bite marks on his under belly, but he seems to be just fine. Also they could see the hooking scars in his mouth area.
R617 & RL47
dancing dolphin