Friday, June 28, 2019

June 28, 2019 (part 2) Lesley's Ka'ena Update and June 24th's Update

Had to go out early to dodge the rain but did check on seals before going to the point.
RN58 "Luana" was hauled out at her favorite point but not to publics view.
Her son RK88 "Puna" was center stage down towards Lyman's.
I searched for RL20 "Kalua" D52 but he was a NO show.

At the point RO40 "Ka'ena" was at the end of the Runway.

I joined a small group of visitors and we had a good time watching the Albatross chicks play in the very light breeze so not much jumping today.

On my way back I saw one of my posse fisherman and called him from far up on the cliff to say Hi. He pointed to the water so I knew there was something there. RL20 "Kalua" D52 was rolling foraging in a tide pool. 
I had to stand near the ledge to zoom in and make sure that what he had on his face down there was Sea Cucumber Guck.  As you'll see in the photos it was....big relief moment for both of us.

The 4 seals I saw today (so far) are the same as yesterday.
Fuzzy to know that mom and her 2 boys are close to each other but perhaps oblivious that they are.   More tomorrow ğŸŒº
 Goop Mustache

JUNE 24th 
Went on this morning to look for some seals and found 6
RL20 "Kalua" D48 was foraging in shallow tide pools
RN58 "Luana" was on the waterline down at Camp Erdman Pt

Met up with Sarah H-MAR Intern and we headed to the point together. Our first find was RK88 "Puna" hauled out on a small beach. He's looking nice and green, first molt must be on it's way just around the corner.

Out at the point RO40 "Ka'ena" was hauled out at the point of the Runway.
In the outer pool of Main Pool 2 seals were circling each other R330 "Squinty" and RR70 "RIP". After some gentle words they parted. RR70 "RIP" went out probably towards the West side. R330 "Squinty" made his way to Mokuleia side. We saw him enter and exit BG's Pool, then in several other spots all the way till he hauled out on the East side of Lyman's.
The Albatross chicks were putting a show on for us.  More tomorrow ğŸŒº

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