Thursday, January 25, 2024

January 25, 2024 Thursday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Marilyn, Tammy and Team R&B💕
What a difference a day makes, today low winds and clear skies!

Marilyn viewed Rabbit Island from 11:50 to 1:45 and there were four seals during that time.
On the rock flats on the Lanikai side of LPB were three seals close to each other:
R606: sub-adult male, light male belly, no tags and a NB on his RFF.
Sub-adult Male: sub-adult size, light great male belly and two red tags. He started out between R606 and RP24 but then moved down further on the rock flats in front of R606.
Behind the two males was RP24 Mohala: sub-adult size, two red tags, light tannish yellow female belly and NB on her LFF. She only briefly showed her belly then rolled over showing her NB.
About 30 feet Makapuu of the 3BS was a Juvenile Female: juvenile size, two red tags and light yellow female belly. She started out behind waterfront rocks but then moved up the beach where she was more visible.

Tammy was out at Ka'ena point today checking on the albatross. She and Lesley checked for seals and found two.  There was R420 Kaipo (N11) and R416 Makali'i. 

Team R&B had a busy and eventful day. They got word of a few seals on shore at secrets so they hurried over and their first find was RN14 Kalani. He is slowly molting about maybe 3%.
The second find was RK72 Kekoa Alii, who they are always happy to see their boy.
Then there was RG28 Lefty and Kaale RH32. And if that wasn't enough then RG32.  What a great site seeing all five seals on shore.

So with five male seals on shore NOAA decided to come out and place a satellite tag on one of them.
They decided on Lefty RG28. So the process began and the seals decided to make it more interesting. Kekoa RK72 galumphed down to the shore, G32 moved along with G28, followed by N14 and H32.
Three seals took off and NOAA went to approach RG28 but he wasn't having it. They did manage to give him a new tag on his left flipper G44, and then he was released.  All the seals left and Team R&B headed out.

While out that way they checked in at Paradise Cove. There on shore was RK72 Kekoa Alii, so they texted NOAA. Team R&B notified security to help keep tourist back because NOAA was coming to try and apply the satellite tag. 
Signs were up but people were ignorant and walked right by the seal.
A volunteer arrived to help keep folks away. NOAA arrived and eventually secured RK72. They took blood samples, gave him some new tags RK22/RK23 and he was fit with a sat tag and critter camera.
Then Kekoa Alii was released and he quickly entered the water, turned around to look back and then made his way out of the lagoon. Team R&B think he probably had a few choice things to say. 
Team R&B wanted to give a big shout out to new posse pal Kathy O.  She had stopped by for a visit and immediately helped keep people back.  I am so glad they got to meet each other.

Rabbit Island
Five Seals -  RN14, RG28, RH32, RK72, RG28
Lefty with new G44 tag
Kekoa with new bling - sat tag, and RK22/23 tags

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