Saturday, January 20, 2024

January 20, 2024 Saturday's Dailies

Todays dailies are brought to you by Team R&B💕

Their first find today was RH32 Kaale. He was where he was seen yesterday when he got his N7 applied bleach.  (thank you NOAA).  Kaale was alone and resting comfortably.

Next stop was at the bay where they found RM31 Kai, bleach N9. He was alone resting except for the people on the beach. One of the locals told a bunch of tourist to get off the Heiau because it is sacred grounds. Team R&B were going to get signs, but before they did all the tourist had left.  

Since it was a beautiful day Team R&B and junior sealette Olivia did the Ka'ena west trek. They were happy to find a couple of seals.  RP30 Puka and R604 were hanging out together.
Their next find was RW02 PvKauai. He was alone basking in the sun and all three of his tags were visible.
Later they came across some tadpole shrimps. Trucks had driven through the muddy ponds, turning them upside down.  Junior sealette helped grandma turn them upright. 

They went out to yoks hoping to find RL28. Junior sealette was thrilled to see her for the first time.
After their Ka'ena West trek they went back to check on her. She was still there except now there were lots of people around the area.  Nothing you can do except hope they leave her alone!

RP30 & R604

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