Wednesday, October 31, 2018

10/31/2018 Monk Seal Dailies: RK72, RH32, RK36, R016 & Trick or Treat

Today's dailies are brought you by Team Billand, Melody and Tammy.  Also I hope you had a very Happy Halloween and got more treats than tricks. 

Team Billand was out for a mini survey of course needing to check on there little butthead. They first found Kekoa Alii RK72 and he was alone on the rocks at that time. Barbara also spent some time enjoying the dolphins. While there they caught up with Melody who also checked in on Kekoa.

After Team Billand left they got a call from Melody that Ka'ale RH32 had arrived hanging out with Kekoa.  Melody had stayed and was delighted to see Ka'ale swim in. He came up sniffing the air and approached his buddy Kekoa snoozing. He was cautious and their meeting was one of those "kodak" moments with a little muzzle kiss. After that Ka'ale made his way over to some rocks near by. The tide was getting higher and higher with bigger waves, so he entered the water and Kekoa woke up galumphed over to Ka'ale and they both found their way out of the area.

After Melody left the boys she stopped by Pearl Harbor National Wildlife Refuge to see which feather friends were around. There were Coots and Moorhens being noisy and scrounging for food, along with some butterflies.  (Thank you Melody for sharing)

Tammy was up on the North Shore today and her first find was RK36 Mr. Kauai Kolohe. He has a new coat and looking quite handsome.
Tammy's trek she came across a stream of brown water, lots of that after yesterday's rain. Tammy decided to go around and that's when she found Right Spot R016, There was a volunteer on site with her.
Ka'ale RK72 
 Boys hanging out together
 That Kodak Moment!
 Birds of a feather "american coot"
 flock together "moorhen"
Kauai Kolohe RK36
 Muddy Waters
 Right Spot
OH and BOOO to YOU!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

10/30/2018 Monk Seal Dailies: Rainy Day Update

Today's dailies are brought to you by the rain. Meanwhile Lesley did some quick checking and Team Billand did a lot of driving around. There were few seals to be seen but lots of rain, waterfalls, brown water and lastly a rainbow at the end of the day.

This morning, when the rain gave us break, Kimo & I went down to get the newspaper & mail and look for waterfalls. We saw an enormous one coming down Keekee Gulch. It was brown like chocolate 
I walked the beaches from Camp Erdman to the parking lot. There were no seals or trails.
This afternoon I went down to check our front and found 2 seals hauled out right there.
RR70 "RIP" ~60% molted & R330 "Squinty".  More tomorrow 🌺 ?

 The rain & run off
 brown water
West side Rain
 Miss Peacock in the courtyard
 But late in the day there were rainbows

Monday, October 29, 2018

10/29/2018 Monk Seal Dailies:

Today's dailies are brought to you by Team Billand and Melody.  Team Billand made another quick check in today.

Team Billand checked the outfall but didn't spot any seals but the fishermen did say two seals had come by and left. So Team Billand went to check the nearby haul out and found Mr. Ka'ale RH32. 
He was alone on the rocks, very alert and not to mention quite handsome. His tags were visible and his new coat is quite beautiful.
Robert went back a little later to check and he was still there snoring the day away.

Melody was in Honolulu today to check in with the White Terns, apparently it's nesting season and there is an explosion of adults sitting on eggs.  I know there are lots of bird fans out there, so here is your fill. 
While observing the nest sitting, Melody spotted a chick who is about a weak old.  As timing goes around the first week of December there will be a whole bunch of chicks in the Waikiki area.

It goes without saying that Melody just had to go check Kaimana Beach, and sure enough there was a critter. There was a good size SRA around the seal and Melody was able to see it was Kaiwi RK96.
Everything was going well until about noon when the beach was filling up and there were lots of kids running around. Once people started entering the SRA Melody became concerned and called the hotline.  She stayed for a couple of hours to do her best to work with the kids and keep them out of the zone. Fortunately she was somewhat successful, but that is a lot for one person to handle.  This is one of those situations in such a public area, folks should be around to help.  

Melody headed home after a couple of hours to avoid west side traffic, when she got a call from a friend who was at MCBH-Kaneohe. There was a seal who had just come in and forwarded some photos to Melody. She was unable to ID, but it does appear to be an adult female. It was called into the hotline as a UU.

Such a handsome boy RH32 Ka'ale 
 Little chicky and momma 
 Kaiwi RK96
 Unknown Female at MCBH