Wednesday, March 31, 2021

03/31/2021 Wednesday Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Lesley and Team R&B💕.  Lesley's Ka'ena update is part two of the dailies.

Team R&B spotted one seal in the outfall foraging. Much to their surprise it was not Kaale, it was in fact Kekoa Alii RL72. They couldn't stay as they had an appointment. They did return later to find Kekoa had moved to a close by beach and was hauled out. Near to him on the right was RN14 Kalani. It took them some time to het his ID but thankfully he finally moved and they saw his cookie scar under his belly. He was totally dry so he had been there for a while.

Their next stop to another west side location they found RH76 Kala at seal inlet. RW02 PvKauai was in the playboy pond snoozing and lastly they found R407 Kawika.

Last stop they had a hard time making an ID on this cute green female. She didn't give them much to go on at first. Finally she decided to move higher up with the rising tide, they finally ID'd RL70 Leina.  This is the first time they have seen her at this particular location.

Kekoa hauled out
Kekoa foraging at the outfall
Kalani RN14
Kala RH76
RW02 PvKauai
Kawika R407
RL70 Leina

03/31/2021 (part 2) Wednesday Lesley's Ka'ena Update


Another absolutely beautiful day in park

Got to see a show of Mom Humpback teaching calf to breach, head plunge, pectoral slap, peduncle... they kept going on and on.
We have seen several Kolea's in tuxedos already
Our non-banded BFAL was here again today
and seals many seals !!
Started with RG40 Holokai overnighting at our doorstep and RN58 Luana further down the beach
The RL98 Lina and RW22 Kolohe on the same beach in the company of our frequent visitor "LADY" turtle
R330 Squinty and R3CU (*I reported him as "Nalu" yesterday - R3CX is "Nalu" got them mixed)
RK36 Kauai Kolohe was back on this side solo
RL74 Kami overnighted on a beach and had it all for herself today.
More soon - Be Safe ğŸŒºğŸ˜·

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

03/30/2021 Tuesday Monk Seal Dailies

Today's dailies are brought to you by Lesley and Team R&B💕. Lesley's Ka'ena update is part two of the dailies.

Team R&B watched Kaale RH32 starting at 7:30am foraging off the Akule nets. The net was stretched from jetty to jetty. Team R&B called the hotline so that DLNR and NOAA would be updated. Volunteer Melina arrived and then a little later DLNR.  After three hours there were more nets and now a second seal, they weren't sure but they suspect it might Kekoa Alii RK72.  Team R&B left the site at 11 am, with the proper authorities keeping their eyes on things. They were treated by the whales showing off a bit, while they were biting their nails watching the seals in and around the nets.

Team R&B split up to cover more locations. Rob headed off to PC after they got word of a seal. When

he got there he found Mr. Benny RE74 at the entrance snoozing.  He fixed a zone and Barb called the hotline. Rob saw another seal coming in, but it did a swim by. Later they were able to ID Kalani RN14 by his NB. He didn't stay in the area.

After Rob left PC, Barb headed over to a westside beach and "bingo" he comes RN14 Kalani who hauled up on the rocks for a nap.

Last stop at another westside haul out, they found a seal sleeping in the shallows. They ID'd RW02 PvKauai, he was alone and doing fine. They saw a second seal but she was well hidden. They were able to ID'd RL70 Leina.

RH32 Kaale

the authorities accessing the situation
Kaale foraging by net
RK72 Kekoa taking advantage of the fish in the net
RN14 Kalani doing a swim by
RN14 Kalani hauled out at a different location
RW02 PvKauai
RL70 Leina