In Marilyn's own words:
I viewed Rabbit Island from Makai Pier today from about 1:20 to 3:25 pm. There were four seals when I first started viewing. Later two other seals showed up. I'll number the seals #1 - #4 for those that were there from the beginning and will number the seals that showed up later #5 and #6.
On Left Point Beach about 60 feet Lanikai side of 1BS was Seal 1 - UJF: unknown juvenile to subadult female, yellowish female belly, possibly with 2 parallel line scars about mid-ventral, 2 tags. Originally she was alone.
About 30 feet Lanikai side of 3BS was Seal 2 and UJ1- Unknown Juvenile 1 - probably a 2020 pup, no tags, not sure of sex because whenever I saw its belly it was covered with sand.
On rockflats behind SRI was Seal 3 - UJ2 - Unknown Juvenile 2 - probably a 2020 pup, no tags, a light probably female belly. This seal moved down behind waterfront rocks for awhile and then headed up the beach and ended up going far into the vegetation and out of sight.
On the rockflats to the Makapuu side of RRB was Seal 4 - Unknown Adult - adult size, at least one tag;
I never saw the belly so I have no idea of its sex.
At 1:54 pm, I noticed Seal 5 hauled out to Seal 2. Seal 5 is an adult male with two tags. Seal 2 and 5 interacted on and off until Seal 5 entered the water at 2:18 pm.
At 2:07, I noticed that Seal 6 hauled out near Seal 1. Seal 6 appeared to be a subadult female. Initially she started up into the vegetation, but then came back down to Seal 1. In one photo, I think I see RK37's nb on her lower left side.
Then at 2:26 pm, Seal 5 joined Seal 1 and Seal 6. If you are confused so am I.