Melody brings news of Kaiwi RK96 yesterday and today. Our girl has been hanging out in Waikiki and enjoying the sunshine. Her natural bleach on her head was visible. The lifeguards were kind enough to put up a zone around her with signs. Melody called the hotline to inform them. Beach was busy surf was rough and the tide was coming in quickly.

Today was pretty much a repeat of yesterday with the exception of along with the crowd there were dogs on the beach close by. Melody stayed for a couple of hours until they dogs were gone. Melody did call it into the hotline, and she was informed a volunteer had been there and left.
Nalu R3CX was making moves on Kala RH76 and that is when Kalua headed to them. But Nalu wasn't having it and barked at Kalua, who backed off and turned away.
Well it seems Nalu R3CX had pooped earlier and that is what Ka'ale was reacting to, because he never saw the three critters to the right. He left the area and they did not see him again.
Kaiwi - yesterday and today
Everyone in respectable distance
Kalua RL20
Kala RH76 & Nalu R3CX
R3CX Nalu
Kala RH76
Ka'ale RH32